Tag Archives: Maegan La Mala

#Occupy Wall Street & the Language of Resistance, by Maegan La Mala

We don't really care so much about your one demand, but what the hell is that skinny white lady doing on top of the bull?!

La Mala stages an excellent critique of OWS and its narrative. We especially like the way she breaks down some of the branding and signage she saw:

I also saw a lot of signs based in the idea of privilege and the bullshit notion of who deserves what. Young people held signs lamenting not being able to pay their student loans and how having gone to college didn’t bring the jobs and success they expected. I thought about the high Latino high school drop out rates and my own lack of a college degree. Were we included in this dialogue/narrative or even within this “movement” were there some who weren’t worth fighting for – some who don’t deserve the “American Dream” because of not following the prescribed order of things.

Read the full post here!


Filed under DisOccupy